full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Pierre Barreau: How AI could compose a personalized soundtrack to your life

Unscramble the Blue Letters

As a musician and an engineer, and someone raised in a family of artists, I tghhout that this idea of musical poagorthhps was really powerful. And I decided to create an AI composer. Her name is AIVA, and she's an artificial intelligence that has learned the art of music cipsooomtin by reading over 30,000 scores of history's greatest. So here's what one score looks like to the algorithm in a matrix-like reetnsotapiern. And here's what 30,000 scores, written by the likes of Mozart and bveeoehtn, look like in a single frame.

Open Cloze

As a musician and an engineer, and someone raised in a family of artists, I _______ that this idea of musical ___________ was really powerful. And I decided to create an AI composer. Her name is AIVA, and she's an artificial intelligence that has learned the art of music ___________ by reading over 30,000 scores of history's greatest. So here's what one score looks like to the algorithm in a matrix-like ______________. And here's what 30,000 scores, written by the likes of Mozart and _________, look like in a single frame.


  1. beethoven
  2. photographs
  3. representation
  4. thought
  5. composition

Original Text

As a musician and an engineer, and someone raised in a family of artists, I thought that this idea of musical photographs was really powerful. And I decided to create an AI composer. Her name is AIVA, and she's an artificial intelligence that has learned the art of music composition by reading over 30,000 scores of history's greatest. So here's what one score looks like to the algorithm in a matrix-like representation. And here's what 30,000 scores, written by the likes of Mozart and Beethoven, look like in a single frame.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
ai composer 2
category labels 2
human creativity 2
live music 2
personalized music 2
life story 2

Important Words

  1. ai
  2. aiva
  3. algorithm
  4. art
  5. artificial
  6. artists
  7. beethoven
  8. composer
  9. composition
  10. create
  11. decided
  12. engineer
  13. family
  14. frame
  15. greatest
  16. idea
  17. intelligence
  18. learned
  20. mozart
  21. music
  22. musical
  23. musician
  24. photographs
  25. powerful
  26. raised
  27. reading
  28. representation
  29. score
  30. scores
  31. single
  32. thought
  33. written